Mesa de debate «Life Cycle Design and Audiovisual Media»
Fátima Pombo
Universidade de Aveiro
Silvina Félix
ESAN- Escola Superior de Design, Gestão e Tecnologias da Produção Aveiro Norte
Día y hora:
Miércoles, 20 de octubre, de 12.00 a 13.30.
Aula: Mesa virtual.
Envía tu propuesta de ponencia a esta mesa siguiendo estas pautas
Life cycle design is emerging as a systematic approach for integrating sustainable issues into design. Designing new products and services that reduce the environmental impact is a learning process that requires reflection, awareness and thinking about how products are made and consumed.Adopting a conscious life cycle strategy means taking responsible decisions during the design process concerning material selection, manufacturing processes, packaging and transportation, long useful life, reuse and maintenance, recycling possibilities and disposal at end of life. Consumers also need to be more responsible about their choices. When people understand the environmental impact of the product, they become more aware and may take action or make responsible choices.
Communicate life cycle issues associated with the product and integrating sustainable values in communication plans is a valuable strategy to change attitudes and behaviors. Facing the urgent need for performing sustainable change, design can be a powerful driver of action using audiovisual media such as movie, radio, television, videos, podcast posters and other audiovisual media as communication tools to encourage a transformative shift to more sustainable ways of living.
This debate table aims to promote discussion around the interaction of life cycle design with audiovisual media focusing on the communication of sustainable values as means to activate and transform ways of thinking and of behaving. Some questions, among many other, to trigger the writing of your paper might be:
- How can audiovisual media enhance life cycle design approach to engage designers in a more sustainable way of life?
- How can audiovisual media promote life cycle design through design activism?
- What is the role of audiovisual media to encourage designers’ proactive attitude in contributing
to a sustainable life cycle design? - What audiovisual techniques can be used to provide appealing information about product life cycle?
- How are designers using audiovisual media as a communication tool to raise awareness towards a life cycle attitude?
- Do you know case studies to discuss within this topic?
We invite researchers, designers, educators, students, activists, facilitators to contribute with a more theoretical or more practical perspective to enrich this debate.